Rescue High Energy


Elevate the vigor and health of your plants with RESCUE High Energy, the all-in-one plant supplement designed to enhance growth, vitality, and resilience. This powerful formula contains a blend of essential vitamins, plant hormones, and surfactants that penetrate the soil for optimal nutrient absorption. Help recover from herbicide lag, moderate hail damage, root rot and wilt.
  • Full Spectrum: Ensures your plants receive all necessary vitamins for comprehensive health.
  • B-1 Boost: A full-strength dose of Vitamin B-1 to support stress resistance and root development.
  • Root and Stem Care: Promotes robust root and stem cell growth, aiding in recovery from root wounds and enhancing leaf development.
Surfactant Penetrant:
  • Advanced Formula: Aids in delivering nutrients more efficiently by reducing surface tension, ensuring deeper penetration into the soil.
  • Kelp & Protein Enrichment: Infused with digested carbohydrates, proteins, and kelp to nurture soil health and plant growth.
Active Ingredients:
  • 0.24% Vitamin B-1
  • 0.04% Naphthylacetic Acid
  • Plus a proprietary blend of surfactants and digested carbohydrates, proteins, and kelp.
Application Rate:
  • Standard: 4 oz. per acre for maintenance.
  • Intensive: May be increased to 8 oz. per acre, diluted in 1 gallon to 20 gallons of water per acre. This supplement can be combined with your regular fertilizer, insecticide, or herbicide program for enhanced results.
  • Sono Ag LLC, 1724 I-27, Hale Center, TX, 79041
CAUTION: Keep out of reach of children. Use as directed to avoid potential harm to plants. Do not apply undiluted product or mix with products with a wide pH range without consulting compatibility charts or a specialist.
Application rate chart for Rescue High Energy.
Crop Type
Application Timing
Soybeans, Peas, etc.
2 weeks after emergence at early bloom
4 oz/acre
At three leaf stage
4 oz/acre
At pre-boot stage
4 oz/acre
Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye (Winter Grazed)
On soil with fertilizer after emergence
4 oz/acre
2 weeks after emergence
4 oz/acre
After cattle removed
4 oz/acre
Pre-flag stage
4 oz/acre
Wheat, Oats, Barley, Rye (Not Grazed)
Before watering in spring
4 oz/acre
Pre-flag stage
4 oz/acre
2 weeks after emergence
4 oz/acre
At initial pegging
4 oz/acre
Cucumbers, Cantaloup, Watermelon
At 2 to 4 leaf stage
4 oz/acre
At early bloom
4 oz/acre
Onions, Tomatoes 2 weeks after emergence 2 oz/acre
at early bloom 2 oz/acre
Boot top high (Corn)
4 oz/acre
Pre-tassel (Corn)
4 oz/acre
Hail, Sand, or Wind Damage
As soon as possible post-damage
4 oz/acre
Chemical Burn Back (e.g., Cotton, Corn, Milo)
When applying chemical over crops
Add 8 oz/acre to chemical treatment


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